الثلاثاء، 22 مايو 2012

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Multiple Choice Questions On Operating System Part-1
1) Routine is not loaded until it is called. All routines are kept on disk in a relocatable load format. The main program is loaded into memory & is executed. This type of loading is called _________ 
1 Static loading 
2 Dynamic loading 
3 Dynamic linking 
4 Overlays 
Ans ) 3 

2) Which of the following is crucial time while accessing data on the disk? 
1 Seek time 
2 Rotational time 
3 Transmission time 
4 Waiting time 
Ans ) 1 

3) The host repeatedly checks if the controller is busy until it is not. It is in a loop that status register's busy bit becomes clear. This is called _____________ and a mechanism for the hardware controller to notify the CPU that it is ready is called ___________. 
1 Interrupt and Polling 
2 Polling and Spooling 
3 Polling and Interrupt 
4 Deadlock and Starvation 
Ans ) 3 

4) Unix Operating System is an __________. 
1 Time Sharing Operating System 
2 Multi-User Operating System 
3 Multi-tasking Operating System 
4 All the Above 
Ans ) 4 

5) Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from External fragmentation? 
1 Segmentation 
2 Pure demand paging 
3 Swapping 
4 Paging 
Ans ) 1 

6) Information about a process is maintained in a _________. 
1 Stack 
2 Translation Lookaside Buffer 
3 Process Control Block 
4 Program Control Block 
Ans ) 3 

7) Distributed OS works on the ________ principle. 
1 File Foundation 
2 Single system image 
3 Multi system image 
4 Networking image 
Ans ) 2 

8) The problem of fragmentation arises in ________. 
1 Static storage allocation 
2 Stack allocation storage 
3 Stack allocation with dynamic binding 
4 Heap allocation 
Ans ) 4 

9) Which file system does DOS typically use ? 
1 FAT16 
2 FAT32 
Ans ) 1 

10) The program is known as _________ which interacts with the inner part of called kernel. 
1 Compiler 
2 Device Driver 
3 Protocol 
4 Shell 
Ans ) 4 

11) The time taken by the disk arm to locate the specific address of a sector for getting information is called __________. 
1 Rotational Latency 
2 Seek Time 
3 Search Time 
4 Response Time 
Ans ) 2 

12) Which file system does Windows 95 typically use ? 
1 FAT16 
2 FAT32 
Ans ) 2 

13) Identify the odd thing in the services of operating system. 
1 Accounting 
2 Protection 
3 Error detection and correction 
4 Dead lock handling 
Ans ) 3 

14) Cryptography technique is used in ________. 
1 Polling 
2 Job Scheduling 
3 Protection 
4 File Management 
Ans ) 3 

15) Which of the following is not advantage of multiprogramming? 
1 Increased throughput 
2 Shorter response time 
3 Decreased operating system overhead 
4 Ability to assign priorities to jobs 
Ans ) 3 

16) In ______ OS, the response time is very critical. 
1 Multitasking 
2 Batch 
3 Online 
4 Real-time 
Ans ) 4 

17) An optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of minimizing the average waiting time of a given set of processes is ________. 
1 FCFS scheduling algorithm 
2 Round robin scheduling algorithm 
3 Shorest job - first scheduling algorithm 
4 None of the above 
Ans ) 3 

18) Real time systems are ________. 
1 Primarily used on mainframe computers 
2 Used for monitoring events as they occur 
3 Used for program development 
4 Used for real time interactive users 
Ans ) 2 

19) Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep both the CPU and the I/O devices busy? 
1 Time-sharing 
2 SPOOLing 
3 Preemptive scheduling 
4 Multiprogramming 
Ans ) 4 

20) Inter process communication can be done through __________. 
1 Mails 
2 Messages 
3 System calls 
4 Traps 
Ans ) 2 

21) In Priority Scheduling a priority number (integer) is associated with each process. The CPU is allocated to the process with the highest priority (smallest integer = highest priority). The problem of, Starvation ? low priority processes may never execute, is resolved by __________. 
1 Terminating the process. 
2 Aging 
3 Mutual Exclusion 
4 Semaphore 
Ans ) 2 

22) CPU performance is measured through ________. 
1 Throughput 
2 MHz 
3 Flaps 
4 None of the above 
Ans ) 1 

23) PCB = 
1 Program Control Block 
2 Process Control Block 
3 Process Communication Block 
4 None of the above 
Ans ) 2 

24) Software is a program that directs the overall operation of the computer, facilitates its use and interacts with the user. What are the different types of this software ? 
1 Operating system 
2 Language Compiler 
3 Utilities 
4 All of the above 
Ans ) 4 

25) A __________ is a software that manages the time of a microprocessor to ensure that all time critical events are processed as efficiently as possible. This software allows the system activities to be divided into multiple independent elements called tasks. 
1 Kernel 
2 Shell 
3 Processor 
4 Device Driver 
Ans ) 1 

26) The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to ________. 
1 Command Resources 
2 Manage Resources 
3 Provide Utilities 
4 Be user friendly 
Ans ) 2 

27) With the round robin CPU scheduling in a time-shared system ________. 
1 Using very large time slice degenerates in to first come first served algorithm 
2 Using extremely small time slices improve performance 
3 Using extremely small time slices degenerate in to last in first out algorithm 
4 Using medium sized time slices leads to shortest request time first algorithm 
Ans ) 1 

28) Which of the following is a criterion to evaluate a scheduling algorithm? 
1 CPU Utilization: Keep CPU utilization as high as possible. 
2 Throughput: number of processes completed per unit time. 
3 Waiting Time: Amount of time spent ready to run but not running. 
4 All of the above 
Ans ) 4 

29) Which of the following is contained in Process Control Block (PCB)?
1 Process Number 
2 List of Open files 
3 Memory Limits 
4 All of the Above 
Ans ) 4 

30) Super computers typically employ _______. 
1 Real time Operating system 
2 Multiprocessors OS 
3 desktop OS 
4 None of the above 
Ans ) 2



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